About Arya’s Name

Today we were privileged to name our daughter. Heres the PDF of the ceremony and below is an explanation for her name: Ashira: Arya Na’ama- your first name Arya is Babylonian Aramaic for lion, אריא. In English we are spelling it A.R.Y.A. There are so many reasons why we picked this name for you. First of all, you’re named for your great grandfather Leonard Konigsburg. Leonard means lionhearted and his hebrew name אליעזר starts with aleph hence אריא. Your great grandfather, my sabba would have loved so much to have been able to meet you. Unfortunately he died the year your abba and I got engaged, 11 years ago. Even so, we still feel the strong impact he had on our family.

Love- of what exactly?

I remember the first time I got off the plane in Tel Aviv. The excitement at every little thing. Falling in love with Israel, my country.The foreign landscapeThe ancient treesThe street signs in Hebrew, Arabic and EnglishCNN internationalSpeaking Hebrew to ‘real’ IsraelisThe sense of historyJerusalem stone Between that visit and now, I’ve been in Israel a number of times.Each visit less and less exotic. This time, as I sat in the sherut from the airport to Yerusahalyimwith the sun setting golden over the Jerusalem mountainsand the moon, nearly full faintly on display,It should be more romantic.Instead I felt empty. Perhaps it was not Israel that I lovedbut traveling. Since that first visit to IsraelI’ve seen more foreign landscapesmore ancient treesstreet signs in many languages.I’ve watched other tv channelsspoken in more languagesand seen more historyand more stones. There are memories I relish moreand places where I have felt more free.What is Israel to me?Why do I feel so empty?

Marrakech day 1.5

Saw more of the city, but most of it is moving so quickly (or so dark) that it’s hard to get sharp photographs. Here are a few highlights: Donkey and cart- these negotiate the alleyways along with mopeds and motorbikes and lots of people. Stork with the High Atlas mountains (we’re going there tomorrow) Stork on the walls of Palais El Badi- It was in use for less than 100 years! Now it’s a home for storks and pigeons.

Marrakech Day .5

We’re arrived safely, and all is (insha alla) well. Here are a few pics to prove it: Tim waiting for the train at Casablanca airport- enjoying the station’s free (!) internet Details at Medrassa Ben Youseff Chair at Medrassa Ben Youseff Tim at Medrassa ben Youseff Details at Medrassa Ben Youseff Tim’s parents are here too (admiring the details at Medrassa ben Youseff). We’re all having a good time

Kafka comes to NYC Part II

Thanks to MyUpperWest for covering this story. Here are a couple of pictures taken at 8:50 this morning at Riverside and 96th st. don’t be deceived by the fact that you can see the sidewalk…. this hasn’t been cleared since last week’s ice storm, so the sidewalk is very slick.Though the city can’t work out which agency is responsible for clearing the ice, I’m sure that there are many lawyers who would be happy to work out who is responsible if someone gets hurt.

Kafka comes to NYC

This section of sidewalk where Riverside Drive passes over 96th street, on the east side of the road is still icy and dangerous (especially for those who need to run to the bus). Riverside drive and 96th street For the second time this year, I called 311 to file a complaint to ask the city to clear the sidewalk. Instead I was treated to an excursus about how, since there is no private or commercial property around the sidewalk, the city is not sure which of it’s own department is responsible for snow and ice removal but they were starting an investigation to figure it out. I explained that I don’t care which city department is responsible, as a tax paying citizen of NYC, I expect the city to work out its issues and shovel the sidewalk. I was told that though it is reasonable for me to have no vested interest in who does the job, the folks at 311 can’t enter it into the system until they can assign it to a department. Though I was assured that after my first complaint, they sent an officer to look at the sidewalk and he noted that there were no

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merit of tinokos shel beis raban??!

Went for the weekend to pick up my mail- and I received a letter from these guys. The gist of the letter is really something that can’t be described, so I copied it from their website: “Our Torah leaders have recognized the increase in worldwide travel accidents. That’s why they are so enthusiastic about this powerful, protective measure: Shemirah Bidrachim – Protection on the Road. In this revolutionary initiative, thousands of people just like you are protecting themselves with an effective method that has proven itself throughout our history: the merit of pure Jewish children whose prayers and Torah study keep the world in existence To quote Hagaon Harav Shmuel Halevi Wosner, shlita, “The pure and holy prayers of Jewish children have the ability to cease the casualties of vehicle mishaps!“ For just a few pennies a day, you too can gain this protection for yourself and your family. In exchange for a contribution made to the Ashdod Mercaz Chinuch Project, the pupils will study and recite pirkei tehilim daily, and entreat G-d to protect and save the insured from any trouble and distress and lead him toward peace, emplace his footsteps toward peace, and have him reach his desired

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Levantine Pizza Roll

-conceived and cooked by Tim. Ingredients:1 laffa (now available at Fairway)olive oilfresh mozzarellazatar Method: Preheat oven to ~400 F Brush laffa with olive oil Place thin slices of mozzarella on laffa Sprinkle with zatar Bake in oven until cheese is melted but not brown Carefully roll laffa Hold for a few moments so it sticks together Slice into three inch peices and serve It looks something like this shortly after it’s finished cooking: